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3 Tools to Help Unify Your Small Startup Team

Fortunately, companies are working on technical methods to make it easier, especially in a business setting, as it is in charge of a team. Event organization apps like MeetApp have hundreds of functions that make up for great employee communication tools, ensuring that the team is connected and all on the same page.

Startup companies can employ only a small amount of people, but they are often doing many projects in an effort to get their business out of the ground. This requires a sink team and military precision organization. Do not leave it to chase people for all long email threads, word-mouths, and frantic updates - go to the board with business technology that will make your all processes even easier.

Below we will list the benefits of using 3 applications and programs to unite your team, and how they can help keep everyone at the same wavelength.


MeetApp is a completely customizable event and conferencing app designed to help you organize the preparation of your event - but can also prove to be a great tool for everyday use in the workplace.

Its chat and file sharing features allow your team to instantly share information and files with each other, which is a big deal if you rely heavily on smartphones or tablets within your business. There is also the ability to display notes and information on the big screen when everything is connected, so now you do not have to walk around a small screen to do some work together.

For & # 39; events & # 39; things like team member meetings. (Like Facebook events), then invite all the necessary attendees so that everyone knows where they should be and when.

The app supports push notifications so that updates and details about meetings and projects can be sent to all. Overall, if your business can do with an app that keeps everyone informed and organized, then you should definitely check Website from MeetApp.

2- Trailo

There is a website for Trello Project Management Which allows the whole team to look at a quick look where everyone is with their work. This eliminates the need for continuous emailing and chase work - you can see where your colleagues are immediately placed with their share of the project.

Easily enter the & # 39; Trolley Card & # 39; Assign the aspects of a project within your team. The basis is that when someone is done with their assignment, they drag it on different columns (made by you) so that everyone can know where they are. Its purpose is to & # 39; complete & # 39; Have all the cards in the column! Each card can be assigned a time limit and information. It seems confusing here, but the interface is incredibly user-friendly and you are sure to get it hanging easily.

In the free version of Trailo you have everything you need to go - so go ahead and make a play before deciding to upgrade!

3 - Monday

In the same manner as Trollo, this project management platform allows you to see where everyone works in their work on the same screen. This & # 39; block & # 39; Works with and & # 39; done & # 39; for everyone, & # 39; Working on it & # 39; Or & # 39; stuck & # 39; There are options to mark.

& # 39; Stuck & # 39; Label is a good idea to allow you to reach out to your team member if you think you can help them. This makes cooperation easy and fun, and developers have made it with the aim of eliminating the annoying email thread and making workflow very easy.

We all know that there is a sense of being in a meeting which was not need To be a meeting One that could easily be summed up in an email, but instead, you took away from the important work that you now have less time to complete.

Monday's creator wants to finish it once and for all. We are not saying that there is no meeting of one-on-one meetings: Human conversation is important! But small issues can be taken with effective issues and project management programs; And Monday's bill fits perfectly.

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