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Linkbuilding for startup; How to make good backlinks and avoid bad guys


A business website is a must, even if you do not sell online. Before going to your store or office, the most convenient way to get to know your brand for potential customers is to visit your website. Without a visitor, a functional business website can not take your business to the next level. Therefore, it is essential that people find and find that website.

Search engine optimization is the most relevant technique to ensure regular flow of visitors to your website, and linkbuilding is one of the most important pillars Effective seo.

Why link building is important:

Despite the fact that a good SEO strategy allocates 80% of the on-page SEO and 20% off-pages, link building can not be replaced. Today search engines are very intelligent and can identify the quality of your website, internal linking and navigation, etc., so there is a customized website key. But you also need approval, that is, the other people are thinking about your brand. Therefore, to ensure the search engine that you have a good website and some people are interested in it, You must have a significant number of points pointing to your domain.

You can use it Backlink checker equipment To know who is adding you. And of course, you can also remove backlinks from your competitors and other popular websites for quick competition. You will surely notice that there are links coming from authentic websites and blogs in top ranking websites.

The more links you have, the better ...

but wait…. More links do not mean that you start getting links from every other website without the plan.

So, which link types are good and which is not good?

Today's Search engines use artificial intelligence for quality control. It would not be wrong to say that today the search engines are more intelligent than ever and they will definitely be better in the coming days. Therefore, they understand good links and bad links very well, and depending on this classification, they either give the top position of your website in the search results pages or throw it at the end. This is the reason why you should be very careful while making the link and make sure to get a clean, healthy and natural backlink.

Let's see which good backlinks are:

1- Links within high quality content relevant to your industry.

how to get: Create relevant articles, lists, videos, infographics, etc. and distribute these resources to relevant top blogs.

2- Links to high quality guest posting.

how to get: Be the guest blogger on the top niche blog, to get editorial mention, participate in the Q & A session of bloggers.

3- Media mention or public relations campaign.

how to get: There is a proper PR strategy in place.

4- Campaigns and Contests:

how to get: Create a Bloggers Outreach Program, organize a contest or offer a free product for review.

5- Local directory list:

how to get: Make a list of local and specific directories and submit your website.

Is crooks; Any link that is coming from a high quality website / blog that is relevant to your business is a good backlink.

Now, which are not so good / bad backlinks:

1- Link farms; Where hundreds of sites are linked from one page

2- Hidden links; Where the URL is not visible to the reader but the search engine bot can read it.

3- Sitewide link Using automated link building programs; For example, blogroll links, footer links, etc.

4- Link in many materials with exact same anchor text; For example, excessive guest posting with the same keyword as anchor.

5- Link to duplicate or spoon content; If you are using an article and write it again to make it out of 10, then the link inside each will have no value.

6- Payment link placement; A piece of content which mentions that it is a paid content or advertisement, will not pass any link value.


Your backlink is not beneficial for your website, and when a search engine comes to identify your unique brand name, the number or backlinks does not make any difference. The most important thing is the quality of the content on your website and the quality of the content on the websites related to it. Therefore, your link building strategy should focus on quality, not quantity. Do not worry about the number of links; If you develop, they will increase overtime Seo strategy For a long time. But quality should be top priority since one day. So, just make good backlinks and avoid backlinks.


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