Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are ready to knot in December. Rajasthan will run for this added wedding ceremony and we can not wait to see the Desi-Videasi wedding. As soon as we wait for a wedding, the PC made us weak in the knees with the bride's bath falling from our jaw. The actress looked like a bride when she got out of wearing a martesa costume. Tiffany's flagship bathing in Blue Box Café in New York City Store.
If you were bowled as a Quantico actress, wait until you hear how much the cost of her jewelery is. Are you ready Prevent your jaw from falling, because the actress wore a $ 1 million jewelery for the party. It was mentioned in the Indian Rupee at Rs 7.35 crore. According to People magazine, "[The] Like a wedding dress for the bride's wedding, gowns and Tiffany & Company were valued more than $ 1 million of jewelery. "
We bet that your eyes are coming out now, we know that when we used to listen to the cost, we were. And this amount does not include an engagement ring of 2.1 crore rupees, which Nike bought from Tiffany in July. If we are including a huge rock, Chopra's bride's bath ornaments alone worth 10 crores rupees. Apart from this, there is a gown of 4.3 lakh rupees. Can you beat it?
Check out the photos below:
Chopra had a smile in all the bride's bath. And why not? He had the best people in his favor. Actor Lupita Nyongo, who won the Oscars from Bollywood celebrities such as Sonali Bendre and Neetu Kapoor, was present in Bridal Shower.
After the traditional stoppage in Mumbai, Priyanka and Nick announced their participation in August. This couple is ready to get married in Rajasthan on December 2.