After successful outing with Wada Chennai, Bow The next will be seen in Marie 2, which is called a sequel with the same title for the release of 2014. Directed by Balaji Mohan, Dhanush has played the same title role in Marie 2 and will also star Sai Pallavi as the leading lady. The film's shoot was recently wrapped up and post production of post-production activities. And, like fans, it is difficult to get out of Wada Chennai hangover, here is another announcement which will make them more excited. The first form of Marie 2 will be unveiled on November 2nd, 2018 and the announcement by Dhanush and director Balaji Mohan today through social media.
The lovely Don of our time is back! ?# Maari2 Look for the first time on November 2.# Maari2FirstLook@dhanushkraja @directormbalaji @ Sai_Pallavi92 @varusarath @ttovino @Actor_Krishna @omdop @thisisysr @vinod_offl @wunderbarfilms @divomovies @RIAZtheboss
- Wonderbar Films (@ wa under Barfilms) October 30, 2018
# Maari2# Maari2FirstLookNov2
Dhanush (@ Dhanushkar) October 30, 2018
# Maari2 Look for the first time on November 2. Very excited! ? ✊?# Maari2FirstLookNov2
- Balaji Mohan (@directormbalaji) October 30, 2018
For a portrait of Marie bow, a handballer is playing a mustache as a local don and is not impressed by the prevailing circumstances in its locality. There are also Malayalam actors Tavino Thomas in Marie 2 and it is speculated that he will play the rival in the plot. Varalakshmi Sarathkumar will have another important role in Marie 2 as her choice of films is adorable. The music of Mari 2 will be composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja whereas the first part was provided by Anirudha Ravichandar. Dhanush has created Marie 2 under his banner Wonderbar Films. Fans are now excited about Marie 2 and have a message testimonial on the social media about the movie by fans.